
Showing posts from November, 2017

Here I made different type of shapes using Adobe Illustrator

On this task I had to create different type of shapes, then fill in some of them with random letters to recreate the shape. You can find the images bellow..

My name in different type of fonts, size and shapes using Adobe Illustrator

On this task I had write my name then use different type of fonts and shapes to make it look 'cool' basically. You can find the images bellow..

Words and phrases that make up a shape

On the image bellow you can see that I wrote my name in three different ways that make up a shape; On the first my name makes up a hexagon, on the second one its a half circle, on the third one is a star which I filled in with random letters that make the shape of the star.  The first shape says 'Milton's world is hexagon shaped'. The second shape says 'Milton's world is circular and so is yours'. The third shape makes up a star and it's made up of random letters.

Shapes that I made using Adobe Illustrator

Here I made a basic circle with a black outline and no filling. Here I made a square with red filling. Here I made 2 squares, one with a dark blue color and a red outline and the other light blue with a light green outline. Here I made a star with a pink outline and a texture filling. Here I made a red oval shape using Gradients tool. Here I made a  Rectangle using a pattern tool with colors.