
Showing posts from December, 2017

My own logo in different type of fonts, size and shapes using Adobe Illustrator

On this task I had write my own logo that I created a few lessons back then use different type of fonts and shapes to make it look 'cool' basically. You can find the images bellow..

Julian Opie

Julian Opie, born on 1958 (58-59) is a visual artist of the New British Sculpture movement. He was born in London and was raised in Oxford. He graduated in 1982 from Goldsmiths, University of London. Here are some of his work

The outcome of using Illustrator to edit a portrait of my self (My own work)

The task I had was to use portrait image of someone in this case I used a portrait of myself, and I had to use Illustrator to make some changes to the portrait inspired on the Art work that Julian Opie does. This one is meant to look exactly how the original picture looks. On this one I decided to change the color of the college uniform I was wearing. This is the original picture.